Thursday, March 29, 2012

Spatial Domain Filtering

Spatial Domain Filtering

Spatial Domain Filtering

This program demonstrate the image filtering in spatial domain using various types of box filters



clear all;
close all;

Choose your mask

hLP = ones(3,3)/9;
hLap = [0 -1 0; -1 4 -1; 0 -1 0]; %Laplacian
hPreH = [-1 -1 -1; 0 0 0; 1 1 1]; %Prewitt
hPreV = [1 0 -1; 1 0 -1; 1 0 -1]; %Prewitt
hSobV = [1 0 -1; 2 0 -2; 1 0 -1]; %Sobel
hSobH = [-1 -2 -1; 0 0 0; 1 2 1]; %Sobel
hHP = [-1 -1 -1; -1 8 -1; 1 -1 -1]; %Sharpening
hHB = [-1 -1 -1; -1 8.2 -1; 1 -1 -1]; % High boost
hUnsharp = [-1 -1 -1; -1 1 -1; -1 -1 -1]/9; %Unsharp Masking

Read your image

x = imread('coins.png');
x = double(x)/255;

Filter the image

imLP = conv2(x,hLP,'same');
imLap = conv2(x,hLap,'same');
imPreH = conv2(x,hPreH,'same');
imPreV = conv2(x,hPreV,'same');
imPre = sqrt(imPreH.^2+imPreV.^2);
imSobH = conv2(x,hSobH,'same');
imSobV = conv2(x,hSobV,'same');
imSob = sqrt(imSobH.^2+imSobV.^2);
imHP = conv2(x,hHP,'same');
imHB = conv2(x,hHB,'same');
imUnsharp = conv2(x,hUnsharp,'same');

Display the result

Original Image

Low Pass Image
figure; imshow(abs(imLP));

Laplacian Image
figure; imshow(abs(imLap));

Prewitt Operated Image
figure; imshow(abs(imPre));

Sobel Operated Image
figure; imshow(abs(imSob));

High Pass Image
figure; imshow(abs(imHP));
High Boost Filtering
figure; imshow(abs(imHB));

Unsharp Masking
figure; imshow(abs(imUnsharp));

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